Thursday, October 12, 2006


hawhaw. i think i kena pwned. but hey. i think i asked for it. hahahahahahahahahahahaha. but anyways, i wasnt making any references that i was being referred to(lol). i just thought it over as instructed and came to a conclusion. haha. that is all. no harm/malice intended. i guess the ambiguity made it a wee bit open to interpretation? ah whatever. that was yesterday. NOW is of greater concern.

and right now, i am just drooling over my com while reading the comments of all those people at relicforums. especially after they released the uber-cool omgwtfpwnzxzxzxz necron wallpaper. its unfair i tell you! why is singapore so far away from the states such that it takes forever for them to ship bloody Dark Crusade here!?!?!?!?
three days! it should be here by now. haha. but some dude on the forums calculated(by some arcane means) and concluded that it will be here tomorrow!

and until then, i have CoH to keep me company. but damn bad to me eh. yesterday never let me play mission 5. grrr. i'll have to tackle it today. hah. ongnardo has decided to join the clade of warhammer 40k freaks? he wants to borrow my DOW + WA. hopefully i'll remember to bring it on monday. (:

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